SEB Vilniaus Bankas Lithuania has secured a place in the BTS Business Tournament World Finals, hosted by BTS Interactive. After defeating their SEB colleagues at the SEB Championships in Business Management held every year in September, the Lithuanians advanced to the BTS Semi-finals where they won all the competitors. The SEB team will now enter the BTS World Finals competing against the other semi-final division winners. If the SEB team succeeds a world top 3 position, they will be heading off to the BTS Award ceremony held in Cannes, French Riviera!
Team leader Virginijus Doveika, Head of International companies said, “This tournament is a great teambuilding opportunity as well as a chance to practice your managerial decisions in a competitive environment. In terms of competition; the bigger number of competitors you have (in one division), the more fun you get. The diverse background of competitors is the key thing to a great competitive environment, that's why it gets more and more tougher, as well as more and more fun, with every stage. Although in its infancy and less regular; I find business simulations way more practical than other training methods. I recommend the BTS Tournament, as we have another team from SEB Vilniaus Bankas starting this year. Now we are waiting for the finals, to get the most out of the tournament.“
BTS Tournaments wishes; Virginijus Doveika, Vilius Juzikis, Vytautas AĊĦaka, Julius Duksta and Vita Markeviciute all the best at the BTS World Finals in November, you can do it!
For further information contact:
James Baker-Duly, +46 735 109397
james.bakerduly [#] bts.com