(From left to right, a very satisfied managing director of Kaupthing Sweden, Mr. Robert Charpentier and the winning KBS team: Stefan Westergren, Christoffer Wildeke and Catrin Jansson)
In November 2007, Kaupthing Bank sealed its very first BTS In-House business tournament. Teams from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden competed about the glamorous victory of being the first Kaupthing team to ever win a BTS Tournament, and it was team KBS from Sweden who ultimately created most value with its virtual company.
The tournament was very exciting, and for long – team FIH from Denmark seemed to outperform its peers by e.g. having great utilization rates. However, the overall strategy proved wrong, and instead, in the very last round, team KBS managed to snatch the first place just before the runner-up team Finland.
Lots of "aha:s", and lots of fun, characterized KBS's evening work throughout the virtual fiscal years. And even though the competitors seemed to outperform the KBS company, the winning team was convinced that the tactics chosen were the right ones in the long run. Having advanced to the Semi-finals, the team, consisting of employees from the bank's research department, credit department and banking department, is proud of the members' stubbornness and confidence. Team leader Christoffer Wildeke says: "We did our homework well and were well prepared for possible market changes already after the first round. Additional understandings about the value drivers as the tournament proceeded made us just more confident about our initially chosen strategy. But it was meanwhile very exciting - and educational - from day one to the final closing of the books"
The tournament was very exciting, and for long – team FIH from Denmark seemed to outperform its peers by e.g. having great utilization rates. However, the overall strategy proved wrong, and instead, in the very last round, team KBS managed to snatch the first place just before the runner-up team Finland.
Lots of "aha:s", and lots of fun, characterized KBS's evening work throughout the virtual fiscal years. And even though the competitors seemed to outperform the KBS company, the winning team was convinced that the tactics chosen were the right ones in the long run. Having advanced to the Semi-finals, the team, consisting of employees from the bank's research department, credit department and banking department, is proud of the members' stubbornness and confidence. Team leader Christoffer Wildeke says: "We did our homework well and were well prepared for possible market changes already after the first round. Additional understandings about the value drivers as the tournament proceeded made us just more confident about our initially chosen strategy. But it was meanwhile very exciting - and educational - from day one to the final closing of the books"
Petteri Salokangas