10 December 2010

Philips Netherlands - BTS Tournament World Champion 2010

DWLC Team from Philips Netherlands
From left to right:
Levke Ehlers, Jeroen van Gent, Joris Docter, Arie Lakerveld

A big round of applause to this winning team! DWLC from Philips is the official 2010 BTS Business Tournament World Champion!

"The BTS Tournament has been a thrilling experience that captivated our team over the last couple of months. The challenging assignments and the constant pressures of the deadlines really forced our team to work closely together and raised the bar for each of us. The program has been very satisfying on all levels and we would recommend the BTS Tournament to anyone that whishes to improve teamwork under pressure within their company."

We look forward to meeting you in person at the Awards Ceremony in the coming Spring. 

All the best,
BTS Tournaments Team

5 November 2010

BTS World Final 2010 - and the Champion is...

The Final was held on 4 November 2010, with the best teams from the 2010 Tournament competing for highest shareholder value. All the simulated companies presented a very high level of performance. The results of teams in first and second place were less than  1% apart, but there can only be one Champion!

BTS Tournaments Team is proud to announce the Ranking of the BTS World Final 2010:  

  1. Philips / THE NETHERLANDS - Team DWLC
  2. Pan American Energy / ARGENTINA - Team Patagonia
  3. JCI Finland / FINLAND - Team Spectre
  4. JCI Portugal / SPAIN/UK/PORTUGAL - Team Megabuck
  5. Abertis / SPAIN - Team GLDIATRS

From hundreds of teams participating in the 2010 BTS Business Tournament, these five teams climbed to the World Final. Congratulations to ALL competing Teams. It is very impressive how they managed to make decisions under time pressure, which only proves their business acumen. As it goes, only the three best teams are invited to the famous luxurious BTS Awards. They will be held in the Spring.
This was another amazing BTS Tournament Year! A big thank you to everyone who contributed.
- BTS Tournaments Team

29 October 2010

Pan American Energy proceeds to World Final 2010

Our team is formed of five people from Pan American Energy’s (PAE) Cerro Dragon asset (located in Patagonia, Argentina):
Ricardo Mazzola, Engineering Manager
Alejandro Raslawski, Region I Operations Manager
Diego Querol, Planning & Economics Senior Leader
Federico Caldora, Business Unit General Manager (Team Leader)
Rafael Villarreal, Region II Operations Manager

After two really challenging rounds, we are very glad to be part of the BTS World Final 2010. But it is not over yet, we still have one step forward to meet our objective… and it seems to be the hardest one.

In the first two rounds we spent a lot of time before taking the first decision to fully understand the business case, market forecasts and company profile (strengths and weaknesses). Based on this deep understanding of the big picture, we defined our long term strategy for each case. Once the first decision was made, our main virtue was a good balance between strategy alignment and flexibility to adapt to changes in the environment in order to capture new opportunities and minimize the impact of market downsizes and reactions from competitors.

PAE is an upstream oil & gas company, so pricing decisions were a new experience for us. We also learned a lot from each other during the tournament because of our different backgrounds (operations, engineering and financial planning), which were put together towards the same objective.

Definitely, the Tournament was an exciting experience and a very interesting way to learn and practice some key business concepts.

21 September 2010

BTS Global Semi-Finals 2010 - RESULTS

The Global BTS Semi-Finals took place over two sessions on 9th and 15th September. It was another competitive fight for highest shareholder value of a simulated company.

There were 28 Teams lined up to compete in the annual Global Semi-Finals! As many as 22 countries were present and the companies represented included: Philips, Nokia, NSN, Accenture, Astra Zeneca, HP, Ericsson, Statoil, etc.

Congratulations to every single one competing Team. It was extremely tough to focus on decision making in the limited time frame given. Only the best Teams get the opportunity to proceed to the BTS World Final 2010 (will be held early November 2010). And to remind you, top three teams in the world are invited for an unforgettable weekend away.

Special congratulations go to the winning teams, our finalists, who were the best in their divisions:

Pan American Energy / ARGENTINA - Team Patagonia
Abertis / SPAIN - Team GLDIATRS
JCI Portugal / SPAIN/UK/PORTUGAL - Team Megabuck
JCI Finland / FINLAND - Team Spectre

We wish them all the best in the World Final 2010!
BTS Tournaments Team

5 May 2010

BTS Crowns 2009 Global Tournament Champions

Teams from Nokia, VIPnet and Syngenta
Take Top Honors

CANNES, France and HELSINKI, Finland; May 05, 2010 – BTS, the world leader in customized business simulations and other discovery learning solutions, announced the winners of the 2009 BTS Global Tournament. The top three winning teams excelled over hundreds of competitors in a number of simulations to run the most successful multinational company, striving for their share of a virtual market and shareholder value. Top winners Nokia Finland, second place winners VIPnet Croatia, and third place winners Syngenta Switzerland were honoured in an Awards Ceremony hosted by the BTS Tournaments BTS Tournaments division of BTS on April 24 2010.

The basic idea in Tournament participation is for people to enhance their business acumen and financial understanding. There were some 600 teams competing globally last year and at the end, there were as many as 12 nationalities represented at the BTS Awards in Cannes on the French Riviera.

"I have to admit, this year's Awards were one of the best ever. The location and arrangements were luxurious, yes, but at the end of the day - it is all about the people. Even with a certain volcano erupting, nothing can stand in the way of great people having a fabulous time. Just goes to show, the top three teams earned their place!", said Petteri Salokangas – responsible for arrangements from the
BTS Tournaments team.

Winning Team of the 2009 Global Business Tournament - Nokia, Finland:

Second place was achieved by a Croatian network operator, VIPnet:

Third place winners are from Syngenta in Switzerland:

Once again - a big round of applause to congratulate on their genuine success.

The next BTS Global Tournament commences in September 2010. More information about BTS Tournaments is available on www.btstournaments.com.

About BTS
BTS is the global leader in accelerating strategy alignment and execution, innovating how organizations learn, change and improve. We partner with our clients to build commitment and capability to accelerate strategy execution and improve business results. The unique BTS process offers fast strategic alignment and rapid capability building through:
Business Simulations and experiential solutions
– the most effective way to help organizations understand, align and execute.

In-depth customization to what is relevant and actionable on the job.

A results-focused approach that comprehensively and efficiently secures and measures business impact. BTS adds value to its clients through three practice areas: Strategic Alignment & Business Acumen, Leadership & Management, and Sales Force Transformation.

BTS has more than 300 professionals serving over 400 clients, including 44 of the US Fortune 100 companies and more than 25 of the Global Fortune 100 largest corporations in the world. BTS serves its clients from offices in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Scottsdale, Stamford, Bangkok, Beijing, Bilbao, Brussels, Helsinki, Johannesburg, London, Madrid, Melbourne, Mexico City, Oslo, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney and Tokyo. For more information please visit